Toyooka City - 豊岡市
(Kinosaki Onsen - 城崎温泉)
Ko no Yu
Ko no Yu
Japanese Name: 鴻の湯Prefecture: HyogoCity: KinosakiAddress: 兵庫県豊岡市城崎町湯島610Access: Kinosaki Onsen Station / 城崎温泉駅Type: Hot Spring FacilityWebpage: ¥600Holiday: TuesdayHours: 7:00-23:00
ReviewOne of the many day use onsen in Kinosaki. I chose this one because the tourist information said it had the best rotenburo. The wide shallow bath is pushed up against the forested hillside. The abundant plants and greenery also help make this a very beautiful bath.
Hot Spring DataWell Name: Kinosaki Onsen - 城崎温泉Type: Chloride spring - 塩化物泉
ReviewOne of the many day use onsen in Kinosaki. I chose this one because the tourist information said it had the best rotenburo. The wide shallow bath is pushed up against the forested hillside. The abundant plants and greenery also help make this a very beautiful bath.
Hot Spring DataWell Name: Kinosaki Onsen - 城崎温泉Type: Chloride spring - 塩化物泉
Japanese Name: 京極湯Prefecture: HyogoCity: ToyookaAddress: 兵庫県豊岡市中央町11-16Access: Toyooka Station / 豊岡駅Type: SentoWebpage: Hyogo Prefecture Public Bathhouse Association price or cheaper (sauna, if available, may be extra)Holiday: SundayHours: 16:00-20:00
ReviewThe only sento in the area and one that is still barely around. This is a piece of living history that should be experienced. Located in the middle of Toyooka city, locals can travel just down the street to Kinosaki Onsen or one of the many other day onsen / supersento type places with natural springs in the vicinity. The bathing area has a simple kakari-yu basin, a single shower and one large bath. The washing areas only have spigots—no showers. This is a classic ofuroya. The entire building has seen many years of use and it’s extra beautiful for it. There are a few missing tiles in the bath and the wooden floor of the chaining room creaks and moans when you walk across it. Kyogoku-yu is like a beautiful old temple far in the mountains. Please take the time to go here before it closes.
ReviewThe only sento in the area and one that is still barely around. This is a piece of living history that should be experienced. Located in the middle of Toyooka city, locals can travel just down the street to Kinosaki Onsen or one of the many other day onsen / supersento type places with natural springs in the vicinity. The bathing area has a simple kakari-yu basin, a single shower and one large bath. The washing areas only have spigots—no showers. This is a classic ofuroya. The entire building has seen many years of use and it’s extra beautiful for it. There are a few missing tiles in the bath and the wooden floor of the chaining room creaks and moans when you walk across it. Kyogoku-yu is like a beautiful old temple far in the mountains. Please take the time to go here before it closes.
Tanjyo no Yu
Tanjyo no Yu
Japanese Name: 誕生の湯Prefecture: HyogoCity: ToyookaAddress: 兵庫県豊岡市竹野町竹野50-12Access: Takeno Station / 竹野駅Type: Hot Spring FacilityWebpage: ¥600Holiday: Thursday (Open everyday in July and August during beach season)Hours: 10:00-21:00 or 22:00 depending on season.
ReviewSupersento / day onsen located right near the Takeno beach. Great after a day at the beach. The water is good quality. Great views of the beach and ocean. During the summer beach season expect it to be busy. I went here after hiking to the most northern part of Hyogo and then taking a swim in the ocean. It was perfect.
Hot Spring DataWell Name: ?Type: Chloride spring - 塩化物泉pH: ?Type: Neutral - 中性Well Temperature: 31.4Type: Warm spring - 低温線Osmotic Pressure: High - 高張性
ReviewSupersento / day onsen located right near the Takeno beach. Great after a day at the beach. The water is good quality. Great views of the beach and ocean. During the summer beach season expect it to be busy. I went here after hiking to the most northern part of Hyogo and then taking a swim in the ocean. It was perfect.
Hot Spring DataWell Name: ?Type: Chloride spring - 塩化物泉pH: ?Type: Neutral - 中性Well Temperature: 31.4Type: Warm spring - 低温線Osmotic Pressure: High - 高張性
Japanese Name: ゆとろぎPrefecture: HyogoCity: Toyooka (Kinosaki Onsen)Address: 兵庫県豊岡市日高町栗栖野59−13Closest Station: Category: Hot Spring FacilityWebpage: ¥600Holiday: WednesdayHours: 13:00-21:00 (Weekends and holidays 12:00-21:00)
Review:Part of a Michi no Eki local products store and restaurant. Small, but perfect. Decent spring that is noticeable on the skin. Beautiful use of rocks in the small but comfy sento. Got to take a bath with the snow falling around me here and loved it.
Visit Date: September 2017 *Hot Spring Data*Spring Type: Simple alkaline spring - アルカリ性単純温泉
Review:Part of a Michi no Eki local products store and restaurant. Small, but perfect. Decent spring that is noticeable on the skin. Beautiful use of rocks in the small but comfy sento. Got to take a bath with the snow falling around me here and loved it.
Visit Date: September 2017 *Hot Spring Data*Spring Type: Simple alkaline spring - アルカリ性単純温泉