Matsumoto City- 松本市
Kiku no Yu
Kiku no Yu
Japanese Name: 菊の湯City: MatsumotoAddress: 長野県松本市中央3丁目8−30Type: sentoWebpage: Nagano Prefecture Public Bathhouse Association price or cheaper (sauna, if available, may be extra)Holiday: WednesdayHours: 14:00-22:00
ReviewLarger sento off the main road leading from Matsumoto Station. The baths are filled with Matsumoto's amazing natural mineral water.
ReviewLarger sento off the main road leading from Matsumoto Station. The baths are filled with Matsumoto's amazing natural mineral water.
Japanese Name: おぶーCity: MatsumotoAddress: 松本市石芝3-9-44Type: SupersentoWebpage: ¥750 (Weekends & Holidays: ¥850)Holiday: NoneHours: 10:00-24:00
ReviewA supersento pretty far out there from the station, but a doable walk. Best selection of electric baths that I have ever seen. Clean and very stylish and moden looking. Supersento in the region need to compete with some of the best hotsprings in Japan. Obu doesn't have a hot spring, but it does pull it's water from a normal cold spring it seemed. They encourage you to take it home to drink even. Nice place if you have a chance to go.
ReviewA supersento pretty far out there from the station, but a doable walk. Best selection of electric baths that I have ever seen. Clean and very stylish and moden looking. Supersento in the region need to compete with some of the best hotsprings in Japan. Obu doesn't have a hot spring, but it does pull it's water from a normal cold spring it seemed. They encourage you to take it home to drink even. Nice place if you have a chance to go.
Shioi no Yu
Shioi no Yu
Japanese Name: 塩井乃湯City: MatsumotoAddress: 長野県松本市大手3−6−3Type: sentoWebpage: Nagano Prefecture Public Bathhouse Association price or cheaper (sauna, if available, may be extra)Holiday: MondayHours: 15:00-22:00
ReviewAmazing little sento with tubs filled with Matsumoto's high quality mineral water. Somewhat close to Matsumoto Castle and the downtown area. Highly recommended.
ReviewAmazing little sento with tubs filled with Matsumoto's high quality mineral water. Somewhat close to Matsumoto Castle and the downtown area. Highly recommended.