Kagamino Town - 鏡野町
Setogawa Onsen
Setogawa Onsen
Japanese Name: 瀬戸川温泉Prefecture: OkayamaCity: KagaminoAddress: 〒708-0323 岡山県苫田郡鏡野町寺元425−9Access: 1hr 10min from Jr Innoshō [JR院庄]Category: Hot Spring FacilityWebpage: https://setogawaonsen.com/Price: ¥600Holiday: NoneHours: 10:00-23:00
Review: This is a cool radioactive spring that is heated for bathing at this health orientated facility. On a hot, hot day this is the best place as the baths are all quite cool. The concrete tub outside filled with natural temperature spring water was amazing. The spring has a good skin feel and is typical of other radon springs like it. Extremely relaxing. Oddly enough they also offer an artificial radon room to relax in where the walls and fixtures are all made with radioactive materials for a cost. This reminded me very much of the biblically named radon gas caves filled with books and checker boards in the American west for people to relax in. There also are karaoke rooms and BBQ facilities to rent plus they have a mushroom farm. The location is hidden behind a residential neighborhood so don’t be too surprised on the way there. Visit Date: July 2021 *Hot Spring Data*Spring Type: Unclassified spring - 温泉法上の温泉Well Temperature: 16.9°CTemperature Type: Cold spring - 冷鉱泉pH: 8.7pH Type: Alkaline - アルカリ性Osmotic Pressure: Low - 低張性Well Name: Setogawa Onsen - 瀬戸川温泉
Review: This is a cool radioactive spring that is heated for bathing at this health orientated facility. On a hot, hot day this is the best place as the baths are all quite cool. The concrete tub outside filled with natural temperature spring water was amazing. The spring has a good skin feel and is typical of other radon springs like it. Extremely relaxing. Oddly enough they also offer an artificial radon room to relax in where the walls and fixtures are all made with radioactive materials for a cost. This reminded me very much of the biblically named radon gas caves filled with books and checker boards in the American west for people to relax in. There also are karaoke rooms and BBQ facilities to rent plus they have a mushroom farm. The location is hidden behind a residential neighborhood so don’t be too surprised on the way there. Visit Date: July 2021 *Hot Spring Data*Spring Type: Unclassified spring - 温泉法上の温泉Well Temperature: 16.9°CTemperature Type: Cold spring - 冷鉱泉pH: 8.7pH Type: Alkaline - アルカリ性Osmotic Pressure: Low - 低張性Well Name: Setogawa Onsen - 瀬戸川温泉