Higashinari Ward - 東成区
Japanese Name: 大栄湯Prefecture: OsakaCity: Higashinari WardAddress: 〒537-0013 大阪府大阪市東成区大今里南5丁目17−18Access: 5min from Osaka Metro Shin-Fukae or 10min from Kintetu Imazato [大阪地下鉄 新深江・近鉄 今里]Category: SentoPrice: Osaka Prefecture Public Bathhouse Association price or cheaper (sauna, if available, may be extra)Holiday: SaturdayHours: 15:00-24:00
Review: Small sento. It is a hoarder place but not dirty about it. Every locker has a cute cartoon in it. Baths are clean enough. Small second floor steam sauna was a bit broken but still enjoyable as was the single person cold water bath. Great herbal bath with tiles made from imbedded clay from Misasa Onsen, something I have never seen before. I also might have misread the sign here. I liked this place but got a mildly unfriendly feel from the locals and owner so probably will avoid if ever in the area. Too many other options here. Visit Date: September 2021
Review: Small sento. It is a hoarder place but not dirty about it. Every locker has a cute cartoon in it. Baths are clean enough. Small second floor steam sauna was a bit broken but still enjoyable as was the single person cold water bath. Great herbal bath with tiles made from imbedded clay from Misasa Onsen, something I have never seen before. I also might have misread the sign here. I liked this place but got a mildly unfriendly feel from the locals and owner so probably will avoid if ever in the area. Too many other options here. Visit Date: September 2021
Hakutsuru Onsen
Hakutsuru Onsen
Japanese Name: 白鶴温泉Prefecture: OsakaCity: Osaka - HigashinariAddress: 大阪府大阪市東成区東小橋3丁目14−32Access: Tsuruhashi Station / 鶴橋駅Type: SentoWebpage: http://www.ofuro.jp/index.htmlPrice: Osaka Prefecture Public Bathhouse Association price or cheaper (sauna, if available, may be extra)Holiday: FridayHours: 15:00-24:00
ReviewA lovely neighborhood sento with a strong local and family feel. When I walked into the changing room I saw a group of 5 boys playing a Pokémon trading card game on the couch and I knew this was a wonderful place. They went in to the baths when I did and I enjoyed hearing them laugh and play as I took my bath. The design is quite typical of many Osaka sento with the baths in the center places to wash along the sides, and the sauna and jet baths along the back wall. There was also a lovely mosaic on the back wall. The sento prides itself on its "herb mist sauna" which is like a normal mist sauna but they add fragrance to the water. The fragrance changes, but I am not sure on what schedule. Their homepage seems to have a lot Osaka city and Onsen related information, including some fun stories from the onsen. One story tells of a Chinese-American high school student who begged to wear her bathing suit in the onsen and the staff trying to explain to her that she couldn’t.
ReviewA lovely neighborhood sento with a strong local and family feel. When I walked into the changing room I saw a group of 5 boys playing a Pokémon trading card game on the couch and I knew this was a wonderful place. They went in to the baths when I did and I enjoyed hearing them laugh and play as I took my bath. The design is quite typical of many Osaka sento with the baths in the center places to wash along the sides, and the sauna and jet baths along the back wall. There was also a lovely mosaic on the back wall. The sento prides itself on its "herb mist sauna" which is like a normal mist sauna but they add fragrance to the water. The fragrance changes, but I am not sure on what schedule. Their homepage seems to have a lot Osaka city and Onsen related information, including some fun stories from the onsen. One story tells of a Chinese-American high school student who begged to wear her bathing suit in the onsen and the staff trying to explain to her that she couldn’t.
Ikoma Onsen
Ikoma Onsen
Japanese Name: 生駒温泉Prefecture: OsakaCity: Higashinari WardAddress: 〒537-0025 大阪府大阪市東成区中道4丁目2Access: 10min from JR West or Osaka Metro Morinomiya Station or Tamatsukuri Station / JR西日本・大阪地下鉄 森ノ宮駅・玉造駅Category: SentoWebpage: https://osaka268.com/sento/生駒温泉/Price: Osaka Prefecture Public Bathhouse Association price or cheaper (sauna, if available, may be extra)Holiday: SundayHours: 14:30-22:30
Review: Ikoma Onsen has a commanding presence on the interface between the old winding neighborhood roads of Jōtō-ku and the newer, larger multi-lane roads between the sento and the station. On the 10 min walk between Morinomiya station and the sento, you can see how large road development has modified the environment. It is also well worth looking around this neighborhood's many eateries and bars. This is a larger sento with a big open changing room offering lots of space, so you'll never feel cramped. In the baths, the feeling is the same. It is best to pay attention to all the small details in this place. In particular, take time to check out all the various tiles. You can see where changes have been made and stone replaced on the floor and basins. Run your hand over the granite edges of the tubs and feel the years of use. In typical Osaka style, the main bath is in the middle for washing off using the bath water rather than the showers. Uniquely, a circular bath makes a fun little nook in the main bath. From my observations, this design is rare. Additionally, it's covered in various oblong green tiles-a style I am fond of. Sadly, all the jets in this alcove are now broken. Still, this is a great place to chill out while enjoying the water. Besides the main bath, there is a dry sauna, cold water, sleeping, electric, and treated baths. The cold bath was not as cold as I would have wanted on the hot summer evening of my visit, but it was more than adequate. The treated bath also stood out to me. While all the baths are heavily chlorinated, the shower water is fresh and clean. I would not be surprised if this was a well-water sento. Considering the heavy chlorination, I was happy that a shower near the entrance was suitably cold to rinse off and not as smelly.I was also happy to see that many special needs bathers are here. It is good to see places where everyone is welcome. And! If you can't read the signs in the baths, they are admonishing the bathers to throw small plastic trash away in the trash cans as they clog up the drains. Interesting place and a good option in the area. Visit Date: June 2022
Review: Ikoma Onsen has a commanding presence on the interface between the old winding neighborhood roads of Jōtō-ku and the newer, larger multi-lane roads between the sento and the station. On the 10 min walk between Morinomiya station and the sento, you can see how large road development has modified the environment. It is also well worth looking around this neighborhood's many eateries and bars. This is a larger sento with a big open changing room offering lots of space, so you'll never feel cramped. In the baths, the feeling is the same. It is best to pay attention to all the small details in this place. In particular, take time to check out all the various tiles. You can see where changes have been made and stone replaced on the floor and basins. Run your hand over the granite edges of the tubs and feel the years of use. In typical Osaka style, the main bath is in the middle for washing off using the bath water rather than the showers. Uniquely, a circular bath makes a fun little nook in the main bath. From my observations, this design is rare. Additionally, it's covered in various oblong green tiles-a style I am fond of. Sadly, all the jets in this alcove are now broken. Still, this is a great place to chill out while enjoying the water. Besides the main bath, there is a dry sauna, cold water, sleeping, electric, and treated baths. The cold bath was not as cold as I would have wanted on the hot summer evening of my visit, but it was more than adequate. The treated bath also stood out to me. While all the baths are heavily chlorinated, the shower water is fresh and clean. I would not be surprised if this was a well-water sento. Considering the heavy chlorination, I was happy that a shower near the entrance was suitably cold to rinse off and not as smelly.I was also happy to see that many special needs bathers are here. It is good to see places where everyone is welcome. And! If you can't read the signs in the baths, they are admonishing the bathers to throw small plastic trash away in the trash cans as they clog up the drains. Interesting place and a good option in the area. Visit Date: June 2022
Nobeha no Yu - Tsuruhashi
Nobeha no Yu - Tsuruhashi
Japanese Name: 延羽の湯 鶴橋店Prefecture: OsakaCity: Osaka - HigashinariAddress: 大阪市東成区玉津3-13-41Access: Tsuruhashi Station / 鶴橋駅Type: Supersento w/ natural hot springWebpage: http://www.nobuta123.co.jp/nobehatsuruhashi/Price: ¥870Holiday: NoneHours: 9:00-25:00
ReviewOne of the two Supersento own and operated by the huge Nobuta 123 pachinko chain. Lots of money was spent in building this quite fancy looking building. Sadly it's much too crowded to really enjoy the baths, at least the time I went. It's not surprising since there really is not much else in the area besides normal sento. The large outdoor bath had some beautiful real plants around it and a few huge boulders. The water was fine, although the signboard said the spring was in Yao city. I'm pretty sure they are trucking it in. Seems like a good supersento to try out if your a foreign tourist here in Osaka thanks to its location.
Hot Spring DataWell Name: Himorogi no Yu - 神籬の湯Type: Chloride spring - 塩化物泉pH: ?Type: weak alkaline - 弱アリカリ性Well Temperature: 42.8Type: extra hot spring - 高温泉Osmotic Pressure: Low - 低張性
ReviewOne of the two Supersento own and operated by the huge Nobuta 123 pachinko chain. Lots of money was spent in building this quite fancy looking building. Sadly it's much too crowded to really enjoy the baths, at least the time I went. It's not surprising since there really is not much else in the area besides normal sento. The large outdoor bath had some beautiful real plants around it and a few huge boulders. The water was fine, although the signboard said the spring was in Yao city. I'm pretty sure they are trucking it in. Seems like a good supersento to try out if your a foreign tourist here in Osaka thanks to its location.
Hot Spring DataWell Name: Himorogi no Yu - 神籬の湯Type: Chloride spring - 塩化物泉pH: ?Type: weak alkaline - 弱アリカリ性Well Temperature: 42.8Type: extra hot spring - 高温泉Osmotic Pressure: Low - 低張性
Japanese Name: 八坂湯Prefecture: OsakaCity: Higashinari WardAddress: 〒537-0025 大阪府大阪市東成区中道4丁目10−12Access: 10min from JR West, Osaka Metro Tamatsukuri Station / JR西日本・大阪地下鉄 玉造駅Category: SentoWebpage: https://osaka268.com/sento/%e5%85%ab-%e9%98%aa-%e6%b9%af/Price: Osaka Prefecture Public Bathhouse Association price or cheaper (sauna, if available, may be extra)Holiday: MondayHours: 14:00-23:00
Review: Yasaka-yu is a bit small, but it has all the things you need. The entrance and shoe locker makes a curve towards the bandai. Fairly big changing room with a smaller than average bath area. Some quirky stuff in the baths too. First, faded-orange plastic containers with rocks in them that are supposedly from the radioactive Enakyo Onsen (岐阜恵那峡温泉). Second, there's a jet bath that has a pillar right in front of it, making it impossible to sit with your legs out. You have to pull your knees up to your chest to enjoy it. I thought that was a fun and good use of space and enjoyed sitting in the little alcove. Not worth going far out of your way, but this is a nice bath with a kind-looking owner. There is a lot of construction and gentrifying nearby, so I hope the bath can survive and the new neighbors take advantage of having a good, local sento.
Visit Date: December 2021
Review: Yasaka-yu is a bit small, but it has all the things you need. The entrance and shoe locker makes a curve towards the bandai. Fairly big changing room with a smaller than average bath area. Some quirky stuff in the baths too. First, faded-orange plastic containers with rocks in them that are supposedly from the radioactive Enakyo Onsen (岐阜恵那峡温泉). Second, there's a jet bath that has a pillar right in front of it, making it impossible to sit with your legs out. You have to pull your knees up to your chest to enjoy it. I thought that was a fun and good use of space and enjoyed sitting in the little alcove. Not worth going far out of your way, but this is a nice bath with a kind-looking owner. There is a lot of construction and gentrifying nearby, so I hope the bath can survive and the new neighbors take advantage of having a good, local sento.
Visit Date: December 2021