Taishi Town - 太子町
Taishi Onsen
Taishi Onsen
Japanese Name: 太子温泉Prefecture: OsakaCity: MinamikawachiAddress: 大阪府南河内郡太子町山田1131Access: Kaminotaishi Station / 上ノ太子駅Type: Hot Spring FacilityWebpage: http://taishi-onsen.com/index.htmlPrice: Weekdays ¥930 / Weekends and Holidays ¥1,000Holiday: Third WednesdayHours: 8:00-21:30
ReviewTaishi Onsen is one of those quasi day use but it's also a ryokan places that attracts a lot of bathing for health and recuperation guests. The amazing very high quality spring is only poured into an indoor and outdoor bath, but with water this good you don't need a large selection of baths. The indoor bath has a giant mineral cone converted into a fountain that was taken from another natural spring. Something that the front desk admitted to me could not happen today. I walked from KaminoTaishi station to the spring and it took a good 40 minutes. There are free shuttle busses also from KaminoTaishi and Kawachikokubu Stations both on different Kintetsu lines. Discounted entrance after 5pm. Overall, Taishi Onsen great day trip from anywhere in the Kansai area.
Hot Spring DataWell Name: Taishi Onsen - 太子温泉Type: Simple Hot Spring - 単純温泉pH: 7.9Type: Weak alkaline - 弱アリカリ性Well Temperature: 33.6Type: Warm spring - 低温泉Osmotic Pressure: Low - 低張性
ReviewTaishi Onsen is one of those quasi day use but it's also a ryokan places that attracts a lot of bathing for health and recuperation guests. The amazing very high quality spring is only poured into an indoor and outdoor bath, but with water this good you don't need a large selection of baths. The indoor bath has a giant mineral cone converted into a fountain that was taken from another natural spring. Something that the front desk admitted to me could not happen today. I walked from KaminoTaishi station to the spring and it took a good 40 minutes. There are free shuttle busses also from KaminoTaishi and Kawachikokubu Stations both on different Kintetsu lines. Discounted entrance after 5pm. Overall, Taishi Onsen great day trip from anywhere in the Kansai area.
Hot Spring DataWell Name: Taishi Onsen - 太子温泉Type: Simple Hot Spring - 単純温泉pH: 7.9Type: Weak alkaline - 弱アリカリ性Well Temperature: 33.6Type: Warm spring - 低温泉Osmotic Pressure: Low - 低張性