Higashi-Ohmi City - 東近江市
Happu no Yu - Eigenji
Happu no Yu - Eigenji
Japanese Name: 八風の湯 永源寺Prefecture: ShigaCity: Higashi-OhmiAddress: 滋賀県東近江市永源寺高野町352Type: Supersento w/ natural hot springWebpage: https://www.happuno-yu.com/eigenji/Price: ¥1300Holiday: NoneHours: 10:00-22:00 (Saturday 10:00-23:00)
ReviewThe spring water here gave the skin a silky feel when in the baths and had a nice smell. Most of the baths were made with concrete which felt great to sit on and to touch. Outside the rotenburo had a very nice natural feel to it with great rock features. The sauna had that great wood smell that new saunas have and was nice and hot. Next to the sauna was a nice square cold water bath that was set below the floor and was not very deep. It was not the best design to make splashing yourself off after sweating in the sauna easier, but I found the bath itself very refreshing. I would have liked it more if there was some more diversity in the baths.Happu no Yu is Set far into hills if you go here at night you'll be able to see a dark sky without the light pollution of more urban supersentos. The building uses the stoic modern Japanese style incorporating lots of wood and rock set in concrete which I found aesthetically pleasing. One bad thing was the long, long walk from the front entrance to the baths. It's quite beautiful, but it seems never ending.While I loved the fresh rural air while outside and felt the building was very beautiful, but I couldn't keep on wondering why this costs ¥1,500. Yes the rental towel and robe for lounging around in was included in the price and they try to make this more than just for bathing by providing a large sleeping and TV room, but I still wasn't convinced that I was getting my money worth. At the entrance you'll notice the signs are in Japanese and Portuguese due to the large Brazilian population that works nearby. If you have the time, try stopping at the Brazilian market near the IC. They have some great meat filled buns for sale. Overall this is a great new place in a part of the country that doesn't have many bathing facilities like this. If you have time to spend a few hours there and really use the facilities to make up for the high price it would be well worth it.
Hot Spring DataWell Name: Eigenji Onsen - 永源寺温泉Type: Simple Hot Spring - 単純温泉pH: 8.38Type: weak alkaline - 弱アルカリ性Type: Warm spring - 低温線Osmotic Pressure: Low - 低張性
ReviewThe spring water here gave the skin a silky feel when in the baths and had a nice smell. Most of the baths were made with concrete which felt great to sit on and to touch. Outside the rotenburo had a very nice natural feel to it with great rock features. The sauna had that great wood smell that new saunas have and was nice and hot. Next to the sauna was a nice square cold water bath that was set below the floor and was not very deep. It was not the best design to make splashing yourself off after sweating in the sauna easier, but I found the bath itself very refreshing. I would have liked it more if there was some more diversity in the baths.Happu no Yu is Set far into hills if you go here at night you'll be able to see a dark sky without the light pollution of more urban supersentos. The building uses the stoic modern Japanese style incorporating lots of wood and rock set in concrete which I found aesthetically pleasing. One bad thing was the long, long walk from the front entrance to the baths. It's quite beautiful, but it seems never ending.While I loved the fresh rural air while outside and felt the building was very beautiful, but I couldn't keep on wondering why this costs ¥1,500. Yes the rental towel and robe for lounging around in was included in the price and they try to make this more than just for bathing by providing a large sleeping and TV room, but I still wasn't convinced that I was getting my money worth. At the entrance you'll notice the signs are in Japanese and Portuguese due to the large Brazilian population that works nearby. If you have the time, try stopping at the Brazilian market near the IC. They have some great meat filled buns for sale. Overall this is a great new place in a part of the country that doesn't have many bathing facilities like this. If you have time to spend a few hours there and really use the facilities to make up for the high price it would be well worth it.
Hot Spring DataWell Name: Eigenji Onsen - 永源寺温泉Type: Simple Hot Spring - 単純温泉pH: 8.38Type: weak alkaline - 弱アルカリ性Type: Warm spring - 低温線Osmotic Pressure: Low - 低張性